Computer Moderated Wargame Rules

(aka Computer-Assisted Wargame Rules)

by Clinton Reilly

Wargaming - The Thinkers Hobby!

©   Computer Strategies Pty. Ltd. Sydney, Australia.


Panorama of the Battle of Waterloo
Panorama of the Battle of Waterloo.

Version 7 - Wargame Simulations for Combined Arms Warfare

A Completely New Game Is NOW AVAILABLE!

The Multi-Domain Battlefield.

Featuring Land, Naval (Surface and Submarine), Air, Space, Cyber and Cognitive Domains.

Warfare in the near future - including Cyber Warfare Groups, Drones and Satellite troop types.

Play against the computer for Solo Wargaming in all historical periods.

All Games Redeveloped in Visual

This prevents games becoming inoperable as Microsoft phases out Visual Basic V6 in the near future.

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See videos giving an overview of our wargames and explaining how to use them

See Part 1 of videos of our Solo wargames explaining how to use them - Setting up the Armies

See Part 2 of videos of our Solo wargames explaining how to use them - Fighting the Solo Opponent

See how to setup the campaign module tyo play Solo against it - Fighting a Solo Campaign

Version 7 provides a full historical range of fifteen games. Our range now spans an unbroken period of wargames from the Biblical Era through to the Fall of Baghdad and now also warfare in the near future, with the Multi-Domain Battlefield. Version 7 also provides a Grand Tactical module that allows approach marches to the battlefield. As before it continues to provide the ultimate in army, battle and campaign size with matching ease of use and flexibility. There is no limit on the number of units or officers in an army! Battles can have any number of sides and any number of armies on each side! This accomodates even the largest club campaign game. Version 7 also provides the enhanced Windows usability that comes with the full use of Microsoft Visual Studio. This allows greater ease of use and faster play without the PC intruding into the players awareness. Some of the standard features are:-

We Have a Range of Rule Sets - Each One Tailored for A Particular Historical Period.

Click on Any of the Rule Sets Below to Read All About it:-

  1. Multi-Domain Battlefield (War of the Present and Near Future).
  2. Clash of Ideologies (Interwar Period 1918 to 1939).
  3. Desert Whirlwind (Post-World War II to the Fall of Baghdad).
  4. Iron Tigers (World War II).
  5. The Desert Column (World War I).
  6. Imperial Splendour (Colonial).
  7. The Great Powers (19th Century Europe).
  8. Rally Once More! (American Civil War).
  9. Iron Duke (Napoleonic Era).
  10. The Great Captains (Linear Warfare in Europe from about 1650 to pre-Napoleonic Times, including the American War of Independence & War of 1812).
  11. Gunpowder Revolution (Renaissance Europe and Turkish Wars).
  12. To Me! (Medieval and Dark Age).
  13. Macedon, Rome and Hellas (Ancients - 500 BC-500 AD approx.).
  14. The Age of Heroes (Biblical Era - 500 BC and earlier).
  15. Skull Cleaver (Fantasy).

Other Items of Interest:-

The War-gaming Environment at Computer Strategies

Starting a Crimean wargame with my great wargaming buddy Emeritus Professor Alan Knight. I am holding a touch screen tablet computer which is an ideal size for wargaming. You can move around the table to get inputs and show outcomes to participants. No mouse or desk needed you just tap the screen wioth your finger. The game screens are designed to support this as well as conventional mouse usage.

The shot was taken a while ago in my wargaming shed. Everyone should have one! FYI - the tables are much bigger now.

Starting the battle with full wine glasses, as is only right and proper!

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